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"Once you realize you don't need a special occasion to buy a cake, the second part of your life begins."

Saturday’s are for weddings!!! #madscakes #edibleimages #sugarcookies #cookies #bites #des
      My name is Madisen welcome to                        Madscakes! Where we're                                  MAD ABOUT CAKES!!

     My passion for food started at a very young age. I would watch and soon help my mother in the kitchen create some of her amazing dishes. Thanks to those experiences and memories with my mother it sparked my love for food and desire to want to learn and create my own dishes.

     As a teenager I decided to delve into the restaurant world as a host trying to work my way up. I soon became a server and eventually found my calling working the dessert station. I later took a big step in becoming a manager at a local coffee shop where I learned how to make coffee, bread, muffins, cupcakes and many other delicious treats. This experience led me to want to perfect my craft and enroll in culinary school.

     Before I knew it I was off to my first day at Le Cordon Bleu for Baking and Patisserie. I had so much fun learning how to bake all kinds of breads, cakes and just about anything else you could think of. I was fortunate enough to not only learned the sweet side of life but also the savory. When I graduated I made my way into one of the culinary capitols, Downtown Los Angeles, in a fine dining Italian restaurant. I started there as a Pastry Chef and within just a few shorts years I had made my way to achieve the title of Sous Chef. 

     During my time at the restaurant I continued my passion of baking desserts at home. I would bake for any occasion a family or friend needed. I thought to myself why not pursue this and here I am creating MADSCAKES. My dream is to one day open a local neighborhood bakery where everyone can share my love for sweets.

     Allow MADSCAKES to be your next choice. Please take the time to look through all my past creations. Feel free to share with your friends and family and don't forget to contact me.




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